Mountain Grove Emmanuel Baptist Church | Emmanuel Baptist Church
Emmanuel Baptist Church is part of the Southern Baptist Convention. We are a friendly local church that welcomes all. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Southern Baptist, Church, Mountain Grove, Churches Mountain Grove

Welcome To Our Church!

churchWe welcome you to browse our website and would be especially happy to say, "Hi!", in person. Our church times are shown on the right, but we are happy to speak to you at any time. Feel free to contact us using the information on our contact page.

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Church News

  • Spring Revival

    Come and join us Sunday May 5th through Wednesday May 8th. We will be in Revival here at Emmanuel with…
  • Revival

    November 6th through November 9th. 2022 with Andy and Renie Bowman from Broken Arrow Oklahoma 6:30 pm each night
  • Wednesday Night Bible Study in Revelation chapter 12

    Wednesday night Bible Study is 6pm at Emmanuel come and join us. 
  • Misfits Recovery

    WOW !!!! Misfits Recovery is going great. We have a good group and new folks each week, continue to pray…
Mountain Grove
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